Whether we believe everything we hear about pollution and global warming etc, or not, it is not difficult to realize that the way we live and pollute today is not exactly helping our planet and environment. Global warming is one of the most debated consequences of this so called ill-treatment of our planet, and some people argue that this is nothing but a myth. But so what if the severity of the situation is not as serious as some claim it to be? I think most people still agree on that a little awareness about the state of our planet wouldn't hurt. Every individual can make changes that effect their life in an almost unnoticeable way, but globally it would mean a great difference. I think Europe and especially Sweden is in the right direction. We have managed to raise the awareness and gotten people to act. However, we now need to continue to really make a difference and as Annie mentioned in the video, strive to get others to join in as well!
I do not have much more to say, I agree, it is to much talking about the global warming, but of course we should still take care of the planet. I do not think we people in this class or Sweden is the target, of course we could be better. The main target will still be countries in the “second world” and other polluter as USA. I hope more countries will do their best and think more of the environment.
SvaraRaderaWhether the global warming issue is true or not, we agree that we need to take care of the environment. It concerns us all. And we have to start somewhere. A small step is for all people to recycle their own garbage. A big step is to get the governments to legislate for less pollution, to reduce the carbon fot print and so on. But all steps count. :-)
SvaraRaderaYour reflection reminds me of An Inconvenient Truth. Imagine Al Gore in front of his maps and statistics; waving his arms, desperately trying to convince people that global warming is reality, not a myth. But as you say: it doesn’t matter if global climate changes are for real, after all “a little awareness about the state of our planet wouldn't hurt”. The importance is to fight for equal rights and a fair world:)
SvaraRaderaThe discussion whether the issue with global warming are for real nor not has its ground in humans fear of problems that little human can't affect. When a human fears something, she'll try to make it smaller or pretend it's not for real. So I think that if we just could open up peoples eyes we would be half way there. To a better world with people who cares about the earth condition. But like you, I think that we in sweden are in the lead of awareness among the population and hopefully will other countries reach the same awareness as us.